How to Open the Task Manager in Windows 10

Windows Task Manager is one of the most important tools for Windows 10 users to end a process and manage all running app. Follow a few steps to open the task manager in Windows 10 with the shortcut method.

How to Open Windows Task Manager

Keyboard Shortcut to Open the Task Manager Using the Ctrl + Alt + Delete Key

1. Press and hold down the Ctrl + Alt button and press the Delete button from your keyboard to open the task manager on Windows 10.

2. You will see the different options on your screen. Click on the Task Manager option to open the task manager.

Your task manager window will open. This is the common way to open it.

Quick Way to Launch Task the Manager Using the Ctrl + Shift + Esc Key

1. Press and Hold down the Ctrl + Shift key and press the Esc key from the keyboard. You will see the task manager windows on your screen.

Open from the Taskbar

1. Right-click up to the taskbar from the below of your computer screen and select the Task Manager option.

Using the Start Menu

1. Press the start button from the left-below corner of your screen.

  • Scroll down the menu list to find out the Windows System folder and click on it.
  • Choose the Task Manager menu windows desktop icon from this list.

Use Quick Access Menu to Open Task Manager

1. Press the mouse right button on the start button from the left-below corner of your computer screen.

  • Select the Task Manager option to open it.

Use the Search Bar to Open the Task Manager

1. Click the search bar on the taskbar and type the Task Manager.

  • Press the Task Manager with the computer icon.

Open from the Control Panel

1. Open the Control Panel window on your computer.

2. Input the Task Manager text into the control panel search box. Click on the Task Manager link from this page.

Run from the Taskmgr.exe File

1. Open the “C:\Windows\System32” folder.

  • Find out the Taskmgr.exe file into this folder and double click up to the Taskmgr.exe file to open it.

Using the Run Command

1. Open the Run window.

2. Type the taskmgr text into the run window and press the OK button.

Open It through Command Prompt

1. Open the Command Prompt window.

  • Input the taskmgr text in front of the link and hit the Enter button from the keyboard.

Run Task Manager Using Windows Power Shell

1. Open the Windows PowerShell on your computer.

  • Type the taskmgr text into the PowerShell window and press the Enter button.

You can easily open the Windows Task Manager using the upper any method. If you have any problem and you want to share your experience then please don’t hesitate to leave a comment. ​


​Common ​Questions and ​Answers

Q: How do I open Task Manager in Windows 10 with the keyboard?

A: You can easily open the Task Manager in Windows 10 with the keyboard using the upper two methods.

Q: How do I add Task Manager to Windows 10?

​A: Task Manager automatically adds in your Windows 10 operating system by default.

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