Degree symbol is very important for computer and mobile users. So, you need to know to type degree symbol on computer and mobile. In this article, we will discuss, how to type degree symbol in Word, Excel, Windows or Mac computer and Android mobile. So, let us start with to type degree symbol on the laptop, computer, and mobile.
Type Degree Symbol Using Windows Search Box
1. Open your Microsoft Word or Excel software. Keep your courser where you want to add degree symbol.
2. Click the Search box behind of Windows 10 start menu.
Type the character map text and press the Enter button from keyboard.
3. Character Map dialog box will open.
Double-click to select the degree symbol from the symbol list.
Click the Copy button and close the windows.
Click where you want to add this symbol and paste (Ctrl + v) the symbol.
After that, you will see degree symbol where you paste it.
How to Type Degree Symbol in Word
1. Open the MS Word on your computer.
2. Click up to the Insert menu.
Press the Symbol sub-menu with the down-arrow icon. This sub-menu you will find right-sight of MS Word main interface.
Select the More Symbols to view more symbols.
3. Symbol dialog box will open. Now, you need to find degree symbol to insert it into MS Word.
Click the Character code box and type 00B0 then your will see degree symbol.
Press the Insert button from symbol dialog box to type degree symbol in Word.
After inserting the degree symbol, close the symbol dialog box.
How to Type Degree Symbol in Excel
1. Open MS Excel on your computer.
2. Press the Insert menu from the menu bar.
Click the Symbol sub-menu from upper-right sight.
3. Click in front of Character code box and type 00B0 into this box. Then you will see degree symbol on your symbol dialog box.
Click the Insert button to insert degree symbol in Excel.
After that, you will see recently added degree symbol in MS Excel. Close the symbol dialog box, after insert symbol.
Degree Symbol Shortcut
You can type degree symbol using your keyboard shortcut.
1. Click the place where you want to insert degree symbol.
2. Press and hold down the Alt key and type the 0176 from the numeric key section from your keyboard. Numeric key section your will found right-sight of your keyboard. (Alt + 0176)
Or, use another degree symbol shortcut to type degree symbol. Press and hold down the Alt key and type the 248 from your keyboard. Type 248 from your keyboard numeric section. (Alt + 248)
Type degree symbol on Mac OS
You can type degree symbol on the mac using the keyboard shortcut (Option + Shift +8)
1. Hold down the Option and Shift key and press the 8 key from your keyboard. Release all keys. Then you will see degree symbol.
Type Degree Symbol on Android Mobile
1. Touch the envelope icon to open message app.
Touch the pencil icon with the circle to write a new message.
2. Touch the Enter message box to type a new message.
Touch on the Sym button to view symbol on android mobile.
Touch the ½ button to see next page symbol.
Touch up to the degree symbol button to type degree symbol on Android mobile.