Change time and date on windows 7. Sometimes you need to change and date in computer. Don’t worry your can customize date and time on windows 7 easily. Learn how to change windows 7 time and date.
Steps to change date and time in windows 7
Open time and date dialog box. You will see time with date right sight below corner of your windows 7 operating system.
Click up to time and date. You will see new dialog box. Click Change date and time settings text from dialog box.[/box]
Date and Time window. Date and Time windows will open then click Change date and time button to change date and time on computer.[/box]
Change date and time. You will see date and time changing window. Now you can change date and time from this window.
Click arrow icon in front of year to change year.
Click up to today date to change date.
Click time hour box and click right arrow icon to change hour. Using the same way you can change time minutes and seconds.
Click up to AM and click right arrow icon if you want to change PM.
Click OK button to set this settings.[/box]
Apply these settings. Click OK button on previous window to save this change.
After that you will see your computer date and time will change with your choosing date and time.[/box]