Set screen saver on windows 7. You can set screen saver on your computer. When you stay few moments using you computer then screen saver will open. If you press space bar from keyboard or you your mouse then your computer screen you will see. Learn how to set windows 7 screen saver.
Steps to set windows 7 screen saver
windows 7 Personalize. Click from your mouse pointer up to your windows 7 desktop. Click Personalize text with icon from new window.[/box]
Windows 7 Screen Saver. Click up to Screen Saver text with computer icon to add screen saver on your windows 7 computer.[/box]
Select screen saver. Screen Saver page will open. Click behind of Screen saver (Nome) button then you will see few options. Click Bubbles text from these options to set bubbles screen saver on windows 7.
Click Apply and OK button to save this screen saver on your computer.[/box]
Screen saver. Close the Personalize window.
All you have done. Using this same way you can set or change your screen saver on windows 7.[/box]